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Goo Ranking ( recently conducted a survey of 493 Japanese guys on what sort of habits by Japanese women baffle them. Here are some of the results. 1. They want to lose weight when they don’t need to. 2. When one says, “Kawaii!” all the others follow. 3. They go to the bathroom in groups. 4. Even though they say “I’ll leave it up to you,” they complain about your choice. 5. They spend a really long time shopping. 6. They shave their eyebrows just to draw them back on again. 7. They wear makeup every day. 8. They won’t directly say what they’re thinking. 9. They’re obsessed with fortune-telling. 10. They have a separate stomach just for dessert.How true some of that is... :)[JapanToday] Permalink | Leave a comment  »
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