Remember Me | register - Anime, Manga News with video games and tech coverage for good measureFor those still holding onto hope of a Guin Saga Blu-Ray from Section 23/Sentai Filmworks, this puts the final nail in the coffin. This morning a reader dropped a comment in the previous article with an email received from Best Buy [Full Article] - Anime, Manga News with video games and tech coverage for good measure Related posts:Section 23 Cancels Guin Saga Blu-Ray Release Sentai Filmworks Announces Acquisition of Guin Saga Fantasy Epic Sentai Filmworks Announces July Releases, First Blu-Ray Release Ghost in the Shell 2.0 Blu-Ray – $10.99 Each or $62.47 with Blu-Ray Bundle at Amazon Sentai Filmworks Confirms Clannad After Story English Dub, Film License
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