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The battle between Byakuya and Zommari has ended. The winner is Byakuya Taichou!!I love it when he says 'When did I claim I will kill you as a Shinigami? The reason why I have killed you is simply because you have pointed your blade at my pride.'This is not the first time Byakuya has referred Rukia as his pride. However, no matter how many times I hear it, I still feel very touched! (o^.^o)The second half of this episode focuses on Mayuri vs Syazel. Mayuri is really funny. I never expect him to be so humorous. Contrary to popular belief, he actually does care about his vice captain, Nemu. When Nemu is caught by one of Syazel's tentacles, Mayuri goes into Bankai almost immediately.Episode 198Zommari manages to survive Byakuya's Senbonzakura Kageyoshi. However, all his eyes are bleeding. Despite that, he still tries to use his Amor technique on Byakuya.Byakuya immediately uses Way of Binding No. 81: Severing Void to block it off.After successfully protecting Rukia from Zommari's control using Way of Binding No. 61: Six Rods Prison of Light, he reckons that Zommari's attacks are useless against Kido.Byakuya uses his Shunpo to move behind Zommari.Zommari then asks for Mercy and starts ranting about what/who gives Shinigami the right to kill hollows. (Zommari really has no dignity!)Byakuya replies, 'When did I claim I will kill you as a Shinigami? The reason why I have killed you is simply because you have pointed your blade at my pride.'Zommari is defeated. Before he dies, he keeps shouting Aizen Banzai. (;���_���)Byakuya then asks Isane, who has been present throughout the fight, to take care of Rukia's and Hanataro's injuries.The focus switches to Mayuri vs Syazel. Syazel is having a good time playing with Mayuri's doll.Mayuri appears to be in great pain. He fells to the ground and makes no movement.Syazel assumes that Mayuri is dead and is very happy about his 'victory'.Suddenly, Mayuri wakes up and shows his tongue.Syazel is sure that he has broken all of Mayuri's organs and tendons and is perplexed about why Mayuri is still standing alive.Mayuri explains that he has released countless bacteria into Ishida's body. Through the bacteria, he has been observing Ishida's fight with Syazel. So before he arrives at Hueco Mundo, he replaces all his organs and tendons with dummies.Ishida is obvisouly shocked!! It's invasion of privacy!Ishida starts probing Mayuri about- when he planted the bacteria- to what extent is the observation- how about everyday life.He insists that Mayuri must get the bacteria out.Mayuri makes funny faces and calls Ishida a Low-Life. That makes Ishida even angrier and he calls Mayuri a Low-Life too.While Ishida is still talking, Syazel uses one of his tentacles to grab Nemu. Nemu tells Syazel that she will not function as a hostage even though he has captured her.Mayuri appears calm. His hand moves towards his Zanpakutou and he shouts Bankai!Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo!The creature lets out a poisonous gas and it's destroying Syazel's tentacles. His face and hands are turning purple.The battle between Mayuri and Syazel continues next week.
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