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The first episode of Sora no Manimani was just released Tuesday. I have been looking forward to it for the sake of hearing Hayami Saori in a new role, and Hayamin was good as the cautious ojou-sama Sayo.But the star of the show was the star of the show: Itou Kanae did a brilliant job of both the comic and the serious aspects of Mihoshi, the irresistible force.Here is a table showing pics of the characters and their seiyuus: Kanae-chan, Hayamin, Maeno Tomoaki, Koshimizu Ami, Tomatsu Haruka, Takagi Reiko, Majima Junji, et al., showing a few other roles done by each seiyuu. One voice of interest is that of Chiang Li-Mei, the half-Taiwanese seiyuu, stage actress, writer and director. Click here or on the image to go to the full table:I enjoyed ep1 quite a bit. Director Takamatsu Shinji (Gintama, School Rumble) gave it good rhythm and momentum. It brought the manga to life.-- end of post --
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