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  FUNimation issued two press releases this morning featuring the casts of two highly anticipated titles: Spice and Wolf and Nabari no Ou.I know you're probably most waiting for the leads, so I'll just share those here: Spice and Wolf's Horo will be voiced by Brina Palencia, while Lawrence will be played by J. Michael Tatum. Nabari no Ou's lead, Miharu, will also be voiced by Brina Palencia, with Joel McDonald as Yoite, Eric Vale as Tobari-sensei, Chris Burnett as Koichi, Rob McCollum as Yukimi, and Kate Oxley as Raimei.   So FUNimation is kind of having a Palencia-palooza, it would seem!We've also got some crew info: Justin Nordell will ADR direct Justin Nordell, with Colleen Clinkenbeard on line production. She will also line produce Nabari no Ou and ADR direct as well, with Eric Vale and Monica Rial on scripts.Both series are due out later this year.
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