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Woohoo!! Good news!!! ^^ Crunchyroll is going to simulcast Sasameki Koto!! There are two things that I especially like about this announcement (aside from the mere fact that Sasameki Koto is being simulcast, of course ;) ): CR describes Sasameki Koto as "a yuri title for those of you that have been requesting it!" It's nice to see that CR has been listening to the fans who have requested this series- giving feedback to anime distribution companies really can make a difference. ^^ This likely (hopefully!) means that the folks at Afterellen will stream Sasameki Koto, just as they streamed Aoi Hana this past summer. The first episode of Sasameki Koto will begin streaming on Crunchyroll at 12:00 noon PST. (Only available in the Americas and Oceania.) It's also worth noting that the Sasameki Koto webpage on Crunchyroll lists the series as airing for 12 episodes.
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