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It's episode like this that makes episode-by-episode blogging a bit annoying sometimes. There's nothing about this episode that feels special or out of the ordinary. At this point, I'm really ready for an arc because at least the story will be about the main characters, who I already know quite a lot by now. I think they can do so many things with Ren's, Hone-Onna's, and Wanyuudou's background if they want to. And after that, they can cover Kikuri and her real purpose in the story. I wonder if it has anything to do with Ai or if she's just there to balance Jigoku Shoujo's work. The strange thing about Kikuri is that despite her brattiness, she seems to respect Ai. I'm not sure how long this will last but at the moment Ai seems very capable of controlling her childish behaviour.
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