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  Kaiji in a nutshellAn unfortunate (and rather unintelligent) young man gets into trouble with loan sharks when his friend, who he co-signed a loan for, skips town. He finds himself on a gambling boat playing a unique game of Jan Ken Pon (rock paper scissors).Though the series starts with paper, rock, scissors, Kaiji takes us through a number of games, both silly and sadistic, but all with serious repercussions. At the conclusion of one such arc, the evil Tonegawa is bested by Kaiji at C-card, and is forced to apologize to Kaiji, per their agreement in the game.   That's not a happy face The really awkward part comes with the chairman (who employs Tonegawa) forces the professing to be performed on a hot iron bed. He had to performer a formal, knees-hands-head bow on the ground, on a bed of hot iron.  So... yeah, Kaiji's apology turns into something horrific, as he watches the man burn several parts of his body. So, anyway... we've got this really cool figure depicting this moment I totally wanted to remember forever .  The best part... IT BURNS INCENSE. Yes, now you can associate with the smell of burning flesh with lavender, peaches, or even anything, really. Oh right, and its from WonFes, if you haven't had enough figures yet. Link Factory makes it, and costs 5,000 yen.  (via gigazine)
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