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If there was one animated feature that I can blame for ruining my childhood, I'd say it was Bambi. I still remember how shocked I was when I saw Bambi's mother got shot by some hunters in the forest. A lot of years have passed since then and I thought I have completely forgotten about the scene and how traumatising it was for a 5 year old. Come to think of it, I've never seen that film again after that. Maybe my subconscious tries to protect my fragile mind. Thanks to this episode, however, I was immediately reminded of that movie again. This episode also proves once and for all that Sunrise is evil. It's not enough that they feature one scene of a deer getting slaughtered, they seem to revel in the act by featuring more deers getting maimed by humans. Joking aside, this is a great looking episode which I'm sure would look great on DVD. Although the animation used during the fight scenes are not completely fluid, it still feels grand.
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