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This is not as good as the episode that comes before it but it's not a bad episode either. It's kind of nice to see Takuma again, whose lousy fate was featured back in episode 14. The good news is that his situation is actually a lot better here than the way it was shown back at the end of episode 14. I wondered if viewers protested about his fate or if the animators felt that they were being too cruel to someone as innocent and nice as Takuma. Either way, he seems better off in this one although if one thinks about it, his fate is still kind of lousy. At any rate, it seems the animators want to do some kind of small arc with his character. One thing that I hope will materialise out of this is some kind of character development for Kikuri. Anyway, sorry for the lack of rollover text for now. I have to run to my Japanese course now so I'll add it in later on.
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