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Miria battles the new twins. Real body or after-image? Read the chapter to find out. Summary: Miria is holding her own against the twins but isn't really gaining an advantage and is becoming winded. Miria manages to cut off the arm of one of the twins, and the other twin is weakened due to the lack of support, but Miria is unable to land a killing blow because she doesn't want to kill other warriors that have been used by the Organization. Realizing she'll be in trouble if the other twin returns to the fight, Miria tries to knock out the twin she's facing but she misses, and her situation becomes progressively worse. Unbeknownst to Miria, Rubel has summoned the current #10 Claymore who has the ability to sync with other warrior's yoki and mess with their minds. Miria is exerting yoki during the battle this allow the current #10 to hone in on her. Miria begins seeing hallucinations of her old friend Hilda, and this allows the twin to land several critical blows. The Claymores Miria knocked out before all wake up and they surround Miria and start hacking at her with their swords. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miria... sob... We all knew that Miria's trip to Organization HQ was ill-advised, but it's still shocking to see her defeated like that. Miria could have beat the new twins if it wasn't for her philosophy of not killing other warriors even if they work for the enemy. She had the resolve to kill humans, but not killing warriors is probably an even bigger roadblock. It's good that Miria sympathizes with the other warriors, but it's sad to see her being defeated because of that belief. If we are to believe to last page, Miria was hacked to pieces by the other Claymores, but until we see her head on a stake there is still a tiny chance that she might survive. Having Miria die on a sudden lone-wolf adventure seems like a waste to me, although maybe this will lead to something more important down the line. I wonder if we'll get back to what's happening with Clare next chapter. From the feed of A Product of Wasted Time
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