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The Granitzes make a brief stop, and during the stop Clain meets a man who collects antique electronics and another branch of Lost Millennium called Alabasta. First the violence, now the full body nakedness... what's this show turning into?On the other hand, I'm impressed by how fast Phryne managed to strip off all of her clothes. Summary: The Grantizes decide to land for a brief stop before traveling into zones under the coverage of the temple. Nessa, Sanko and Phryne play in the water which attracts Clain's attention, and Clain and Enri then notice a middle aged man taking pictures of them with an antique digital camera. Clain chases after the man because he's interested in the camera but he loses sight of the man. Clain then spots a group of people traveling on a dirt road, and Sundas explain that these people are migrating because they can't receive signals from the Fractale system. The people are so dependent on the system that they would travel to an area where they get coverage. Clain then spots the man with the camera among the traveling crowd, and another man is trying take away his bag. Knowing that the camera is inside the bag, Clain runs up to intervene, but suddenly two jeeps arrive bringing a group of armed militants. Dias, the leader of the group, puts the problem-maker in a hammer lock but then he notices Sundas and company nearby and says hello, but Sundas isn't too happy to see Dias. Dias then announces his group as a branch of Lost Millennium named Alabaster. Dia tells the migrating people to follow his crew back to camp where free food will be handed out, and most of the migrants decide to follow Dias' group. Clain is in heaven. After Alabaster and the migrants leave, Clain tries to talk to the camera guy but the guy runs off again. Clain follows the guy back to his house which has a giant array of old antennas sticking out. The guy greets Clain with a double-barreled shotgun, but Clain convinces the man to let him inside. Inside, Clain is amazed by all the antique electronics. The man asks what Clain thinks of Lost Millennium and Clain responds that Lost Millennium are terrorists, but they don't seem to be that bad. The man states that Clain doesn't know anything yet and tells Clain to come back at night so he can show Clain something special. In the night, the Granitzes put Clain on guard duty, but Clain plans to desert his post to go meet the camera guy. Clain is about the sneak off, but Phryne appears and forcefully tags along. On the way, the two come across Alabaster's camp where food is being handed out, and Dias is also telling people to go to a tent to get immunized. Clain thinks that Alabaster are pretty good people, but Phryne doesn't think so, and the argument leads to the two running all the way to the camera guy's house. Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of keeping your body healthy. At the house, Phryne barges in and spots some photos which she quickly pockets. The camera guy doesn't mind Phryne and tells the two kids to follow him up the antenna tower. On the tower, the camera guy works some electronics and suddenly an image of a pretty town during day time is projected over the landscape. The man tells Clain and Phryne that it's his goal to eventually link the area back into the Fractale system so that people don't have to migrate anymore searching for coverage. The man then tells Clain and Phryne to go into the town to see the truth. Clain and Phryne run into the town and find the migrants from before. Some of the migrants can see the town and are amazed by the sight, but others can't see it and are in a state of confusion. Dias' group then arrive and a man who can't see the buildings wonders what's wrong, and Dias explain that the purpose of the "immunization" was to permanently disconnect people from the Fractale system. The migrants try to run away but they are rounded up by Dias' group, and a man who tries to run off on his own is shot dead. The true methods of Lost Millennium. After seeing the truth, Clain and Phryne run back towards the camera guy's house as the Fractale projection finally disappears. The camera guy runs out to greet the two but he is noticeably sick. Clain suggest that they guy follow them into a Fractale coverage area to get medical treatment, but the guy states he has to finish his work at his house. The guy then gives his digital camera to Clain and walks back to his house, and Clain takes a picture of the man's backside with the camera. Who is the baby? The next day, the Grantizes, Clain, Phryne and Nessa depart in their flying ship. In the mess room, Enri finds Phryne checking out the photos she lifted from the camera guy. Most of the photos are of Clain from the day before, and there is one last photo of a couple and their baby boy. Phryne then claims she knows who the baby boy is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was hoping that we would see an attack from the temple to take back Phryne and Nessa, but instead we have an episode that was once again about showing the state of the world that Clain and the other characters live in. People within Fractale's coverage area are happy and healthy, but those living outside appear to be poor and hungry and are desperate to find coverage once again, and this is a pretty good way to show how being dependent on the system can be bad for the people. On the other hand, Lost Millennium is far from honorable, and Dias and Alabaster appear to be even worse than Sundas when it comes to stepping over people for their own goals. All this just serves to support the fact that neither the temple nor Lost Millennium are that great, and so we'll have to see if Clain, Phryne and Nessa will strike out on their own and find a better way. The story about the camera guy wasn't too interesting until the episode reached the end. It seems that the guy has a photo of Clain when he was still a baby, and also has somewhat an interest in Clain judging by the photos he took. The camera guy obviously can't be Clain's dad (unless Clain's doppel dad is a fake... I don't think Fractale will get that strange), so I'm thinking the camera guy might just be a photographer who took a portrait of Clain's family or maybe even a friend to Clain's parents. I don't know how much this will play into the rest of the story though, and we don't even know for sure if the baby in the photo is actually Clain. Overall, this was an okay episode. The show likes to show things in an indirect manner sometimes, but I hope the series will start getting into why the Fractale system is collapsing and significance of Phryne and Nessa. From the feed of A Product of Wasted Time
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