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So... yeah. I'm really not sure what to make of this new development. It definitely came out of left field. Maybe there's more to the plot after all. Of course, I'm taking this with a grain of salt, since the last time it looked like the plot was going somewhere, it didn't. I was also not too happy about the first part of this episode; I literally facepalmed when Tokizane got killed, and thought "Oh, well there goes all of that speculation that he knows something since the show just killed him off like everyone else." And afterwards, Saya just acts like nothing's happened, as usual, complete with having a civil conversation with her teacher at the cafe despite the fact that she accused her of killing everyone in her class an episode ago. However, the end of the episode shows that death is not as permanent in this show as was initially assumed, so we're back to the "everyone's in on the conspiracy" theory. But to what end? Why is it so important to see if Saya wins or fails at her bet? The show is still throwing out questions without giving any answers. At the very least, it was more or less confirmed that the guimauves are laced with blood--I'll be really surprised if it's something else. There's also indirect confirmation that Saya's "father" is a vampire, since it's heavily hinted that he's feeding off of Fumito. But like everything else in this show, this is really just guesswork on my part from what little the show does decide to reveal to the viewer. And, as usual, the secret-keeping is wearing thin. I do have a lot of confidence that the show is finally going to give us some answers next week, since it ended with the teacher pointing out to Saya that the books in the storehouse are fake (and potentially the rest of the shrine as well?) and then saying that she's going to end the "farce." To that I applaud and give the character a gold star, since it's about time. However, the show is going to need a really convincing explanation for everything that's happened up until this point. With the way it's dropped the ball before by letting the "mystery" atmosphere run on for far too long I think I'm right to be skeptical that the explanation probably won't be worth the long build-up. Of course, this is assuming that the twins really are the twins and not more Elder Bairns in disguise leading to yet another crazy blood-spewing fight, a path that I can easily see the show taking. Either way, there's only two episodes left and it's time for Blood-C to show its hand and see if it's worth the frustrating experience that it's been so far. C'mon, Blood-C. Make me take back everything bad I've said about you. Blow my mind. Make my day. Images from
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