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In a near-future, post-war Tokyo, the war hero president of a major corporation is murdered at his own party. Will the brilliant, young Shinjurou prove his self-proclaimed title as "the last great detective" by solving the case, or will devious "Media King" Rinroku Kaishou beat him to it, leading to a questionable outcome and the branding of Shinjurou as the "Defeated Detective" once again..? There are some type of shows that I just don't like. Most shonen shows; most outright kid-targetted shows; shows based on TCGs. And whodunits. These probably annoy me more than they have any right to, particularly when anime takes a stab at the genre, and you get resolutions to "mysteries" that confound logic, rely on tricks and "special powers", and just generally don't make sense. Oh, and the invariably-genius-level investigator is always a complete dick. Un-Go sticks pretty much perfectly to that "formula" - 'hero' of the piece Shinjurou is, in his own mind at least, the "last great detective" (although his reputation says otherwise), his successes seem to rely on the unlikely powers on his decidedly freaky sidekick Inga (a little boy one moment, a grown woman the next), and when the motive for killing in this episode is "to prove [the victim] was a hero", then... yeah. I don't quite get how killing him's going to help there. THE GOOD: I'm drawing a blank here. Strong female characters, perhaps, but that's pretty much it. THE BAD:Not enough time left in the day. Now, I'll admit that my own little biases are playing no small part in my giving the show a trashing - it could be genuine quality stuff, to some people, but the whole nature of the series I just find a turnoff, and frankly I've got too many other shows to follow that I do get something out of, however puerile it may be. Which earns this one a one-way trip to visit Dropzilla.
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