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Kotoura-san #02 This show proves to be funny but also has its dead serious moments. Suicide, bullying, prejudice, you name it. Good to see Kotoura san has new friends and a knight in shining armor, even when He is also a dead serious pervert...No, honest...Manabe has dirty thoughts all the time and this torments Kotoura. Funny moment of the episode, the ESP clubroom! Bad moment of the episode, the bullying...touching moment of the episode, Manabe defending Kotoura from bullying...and now this bring another interesting thing...Moritani hates Kotoura and bully her because She looks Kotoura as a rival in love for Manabe...and for what I saw, She joins the club in upcoming episodes. Probably, there will be a moment of change for her and that is going to be fascinating. p.s. I think Yuriko gave Me some "Misato" vibes from Evangelion. She even has the looks, Weird huh?
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