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First, some alibis regarding the lack of blog updates. So last week was the office Christmas rush, busy with preparations for our [formal] company Christmas party held last December 15. But since the people in the office are such fun-loving people, the party didn’t stop at that. We had yet another party just this Friday,  an “in house” Christmas party this time, loaded with fun-filled activities—a white elephant gift exchange, karaoke, Pictionary and charades tournament, and most importantly… a Wii-party!! Throughout the week, I spent most of my free time at home playing, so Wii could get to know each other better. It’s even more fun (and distracting?) when you get to know the Wii-mates in the office, who suddenly graced your little baby with a lot of games~ In other words, the Wii (and of course my lack of self-control) is to blame for the MIA status of the blog in the span of a few days, causing me more backlogs orz. I think the Christmas Countdown will now be a countdown to the... [ This is only an excerpt for the post! Go the the website for the full content + pictures + links. ]
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