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SEAMO - Honey Honey feat. AYUSE KOZUE (25.7MB, PSP/Quicktime format) | Abbreviated Live Performance (YouTube video) The first time I heard the song as xxxHOLiC Kei ED theme, I thought the song was just okay. I just didn't get the groove of the song in the TV version of the song. Besides, Mokona, as animated as it was, does not really represent the spirit of the song, especially the nature of the duet. As a background, SEAMO is actually a stage name for Naoki Takada, a Japanese rapper/hip-hop artist. This particular song has actually been released beforehand without Ayuse Kozue. The difference between the two songs lies in the final two verses of the song. Instead of repetition of the chorus twice, the song has a new bridge fully performed by Ayuse Kozue and a final chorus which is slightly modified to give Kozue a more singing presence in comparison to the rest of the lyrics, where she can barely be heard.
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