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I kind of suspected that getting next-gen console is a bad idea in terms of productivity. That turns out to be true now that I'm completely obsessed with several games including but not limited to: Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry 4, and the new SIREN: New Translation (so awesome, review will come sometimes next week). Anyway, I can't believe it's been a while since I last saw this series. It's so weird having to do this now since the review was meant to go up not long after it went on air. Of course, something had to happen and now I'm struggling trying to finish not one but 3-4 series that most people already watched a long time ago. The episode itself is not bad but I feel that it's a non-event episode. I guess the writers want to save the good stuff for the last 2-3 episodes so this one is just a lead up to all of the things that will happen later on in the series.
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