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Opening: "The World" by Nightmare The rock song fits the show perfectly. Animations is a bit too milky for my taste. Interesting is the focus on the theme of the apple, which returns in the show and the ending. Short Summary: Light Yagami is a top student and totally bored by his life and the rotten world, full of murder and crime. Ryuuku is a Shinigami and totally bored by his life and the rotten Shinigami world. So he decides to drop his death note in the human world. It's Light who picks it up. On the first page he finds the rules for the book. If you write down the name of a person who's face you think of in that moment, that person will die. IF you don't write down the cause of death it will be a heart attack. Light can't belief this could work but he tries it with the name of a criminal. Within 40 seconds the villain dies. After a second try the functionality is confirmed. At first Light has got some qualms, but after he reminds himself of the rotten world he hates so much he starts to kill off people. Five days later Ryuuku visits him. light is not afraid, actually he waited for the Shinigami and gets to now he won't be punished for his crimes. So he makes up his mind to cleanse the world from all evil, criminal, ill-natured people and sees himself as a god of a new world he will create. My opinion: A pretty cool first episode. The story is interesting and meets one of the most interesting questions that exists: If I was able to kill everybody with just writing down a word, would I do it? Who would I kill? Could I live with the consequences? The atmosphere is dark and very depressiv, emphasized with gloomy colours and a monumental soundtrack. I'm definitly hooked for at least some more episodes, but there are going to be 37 episodes...that's a lot! Ending: "Aluminia" by Nightmare The first seconds I had to think of musical sound, but than the song changes. I can't say much about it so far, it's okay. Have to hear it more often, I guess. I'm very fond of the animation sequence. They are playing a lot with the colours black/white, blue and again the red. I will have to watch the show only to learn what's the meaning of the apple!
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