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Opening Theme: 「Sha la la - アヤカシ NIGHT」 (Sha la la - Ayakashi NIGHT) by 宇浦冴香  (Uura Saeka) Download: AVI format | AVI mirror | PSP format (coming soon) Well, 3 episodes into the series and the quality still holds up so I think this is going to be a good series to follow. The writers have also stop rushing through the story now and as a result, the pacing is considerably better. I think this will appeal to people who like Spirited Away or Inuyasha. Some of the creature designs in this series looks really good and seem to be based on old Japanese folklore monsters. The characters are also more developed now that the introduction is over. I like how the writers slowly reveal Yoshimori and Tokine's background and what actually happened between their family. As a side note, this week marks the appearance of the real OP. The OP is spoilery just like other Sunrise comedic shows like Yakitate!! Japan and features some characters which won't appear until later on in the story.
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