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Remember how besotted Madame Red was towards Sebastian (as she unashamedly demonstrated in the previous episode X_x)? Although Ciel is deadfast unwilling to let go of Sebastian (hell, who would?) and Sebastian is so deadly loyal to his master, she is not about to give so fast either. Instead, she asks Ciel to take in her incompetent butler Greil (I can't help but wonder why these big guys hire incompetent staff in the first place) under his wing in order to learn from Sebastian. Greil looks up to Sebastian like he was god (ironic considering the true nature of Sebastian is the total opposite) that even when Sebastian told him to not commit suicide in the mansion as it would be a lot of work to clean up the mess (and blood), he takes it as kind words. O_oCiel and Sebastian had to head out to the city to pick up Ciel's new cane. I still don't know why he walks with a cane but it looks so darn good on him! Back at the mansion, the incompetent servants tried to do some actual work around the place. While showering his praises for the mansion, Greil was told of Ciel's dark past. The mansion was a replica of his old home which was burnt down. He also lost his parents to the fire. So that's why the boy is living on his own and acts so much like a grown up. Although I did suspect something like it since he was the head of the pretigious Phantomhive toy company at such a tender age. But he seems to be suffering on his own, it wrecks my heart. >_<Both Ciel and Sebastian had a different kind of shock when they came back to the mansion. Surprisingly, the three four incompetent servants did not turn the place upside down. Nope, but the mansion was decorated in every inch with ribbons and frills. Even the servants were in lolita dress ups! Turns out their kawaii visitor is Ciel's fiance! *gasps* Ciel requested her to return home after finding out that she slipped out under her parents notice to visit him. But to keep her happy, he obliged to a little dance party. Not surprisingly, Ciel does not dance. So Sebastian gave him a quick private lesson.In the evening, they gathered at the grand hallway for the dance. Elizabeth, Ciel's fiance threw a little tantrum as Ciel refused to wear the ring she bought for him. In a little trick, she pulled the ring off his finger and threw it hard on the floor. Ciel was extremely anger that she broke his one treasured heirloom that he raised his hand against her. Thankfully Sebastian was there to stop him. He gathered himself and flung the ring out of the window, stating confidently that he was still the master of the mansion even without the ring. So they had an enjoyable evening, even discovered there was actually something Greil was good at - singing. After it all ended, while turning in for the night, Ciel received another surprise. Sebastian slipped a similar ring back onto Ciel's finger. I absolutely love how Sebastian says what good of a butler is he if he can't even do a simple task, after all, he is a hell of a butler. I hear you! Woots! \(^o^)/
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