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We're back to the suspense-filled scene where Ciel arrives to a room at the top of the tower to find Sebastian already there waiting for him. Suddenly a whole army of dolls spilled into the room. Looks like Greil and Pluto had failed. But Sebastian figured that the dolls were controlled by the music of 'My Fair Lady' and defeated them by singing a suicide order. The jackster made his appearance, wanting to capture Ciel and turn him into a doll for his master. Sebastian, singing on how the doll was taken away, picks up Ciel into his arms and jumped out the window.On safe ground, Ciel gave Sebastian a bitch slap for leaving before saving Elizabeth. O_o Give the man a break, Ciel. Didn't I tell you to play nice? Sebastian explained that his contract takes first priority which is to ensure Ciel was safe. Ciel realized he would have to act on his own to save his fiance. Pluto's howl brings them to another tower somewhere around the castle I guess. The tower had a seal on it and apparently the Demon Dog was the key to the seal. Do you think Sebastian might've known? He doesn't look surprised at all to me. He looks like he knew the was a day when he would need to use Pluto.They rushed off to the top of the tower to find a doll-making room and a lifeless Elizabeth resting on a chair. She wakes up when Ciel arrives to her side and gave him a weak plastic smile, happy that he was wearing her gift. The jackster made his appearance yet again and made a very unwillingly Lizzy attack Ciel. However, Greil managed to cut off all the strings binding her and Lizzy was saved! But that's not the end of it. The jackster managed to capture them all in his strings. Thank god (or in this case we can thank the writer) for Sebastian. Yet again he showed marvelous fighting techniques and saved them all.Lizzy returned to her normal state and expressed her desire to have a birthday party for Ciel before falling asleep in his arms. Meanwhile, the jackster was crawling into an adjoining room to report the outcome to his master. They followed him into the room to find that the one who has been giving orders to the jackster was also a life-sized doll sitting in a chair by the window. On top of the doll's lap, rests another creepy looking doll who ran off raving about making Ciel disappear.Back at the mansion, the gang threw Ciel a birthday party. Although he wasn't really enthusiastic about one, Ciel allowed it as it was Lizzy's wish. Awwww, isn't he cute? Biting into the birthday cake, Ciel found that Sebastian had baked the cake with the blue diamond ring in it. Sebastian promises Ciel that he would protect him and anything that belongs to him. Meanwhile, the creepy tiny doll was running down the London streets and reaches its real master who crushed it and threw it into the icy cold river. Yeah guess who? It's that bitch Angela.
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