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I know that everyone is posting the same thing these days, but I just want to do it no matter what. So, welcome to keionbu, Azusa! I hope you will find other members nice and kind, and enjoy your everyday-leisure-eatingpractice in the club room.What do we know about Azusa?She is a freshman at Sakurakou.She's been playing the guitar since she was fourth grader. Even so, she proclaims herself a novice guitarist.Her parents are members of a jazz band.She was strongly disappointed by the stride in keionbu.Despite this fact, she finds some pleasure in eating cakes and drinking tea.Her guitar is Fender Mustang.She is capable of expressing her disapproval in a very clear and vigorous way.Her nickname is Azu-nyan, even though she might not agree with it.I'm glad they added her at least to the opening video.Although this is Azusa welcoming post, I couldn't leave this scene aside. You understand my reasons, don't you? Neko-mimi Mio is a perfect combination, and the fact she put it on her head deliberately signifies that she is in the state of personality change and her dere-dere part is gradually coming to light.
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