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Opening: "Raison D’être" by Nightmare Short Summary: Claymores, or also called the silver-eyed witches, are half-human, half-yoma (demon) women. They are the only ones that can distinguish between humans and yomas that took the form of a human. In the town where the boy Raki lives, several people got killed, amongst others Rakis' parents. The people don't know what to do and call for the Claymore Claire. Everybody's afraid of her...besides Raki who tries to get in contact with her. When he returns home he has to find out the yoma took the brain and body of his brother. The yoma now tries to kill Raki before he leaves twon, but Claire comes and saves him. Afterwards she immediatly leaves the town for another job. Of course the people are afraid Raki could turn into a yoma, too. So they throw him out of the village. He decides to follow Claire but collapses in the dessert. When he awakes he findes himself saved in a neraby town. Claire paid for his room in a tavern. He wants to thank her and gets to know a Claymore is looking for him in the forest behind the town. But it's not Claire waiting for him tehre, but a yoma that takes him as a hostage to defeat Claire. Claymore and demon fight - Claire wins. Raki finally has the chance to thank her for saving him. This seems to appeal to Clair's human origin and she decides to take him with her till he finds a village where he wants to settle down. My opinion: Claymore is not my show so far, although animation is great, the mixture of modern and traditional music fits it perfectly. There are tons of blood and a very depressing atmosphere. I might give it a second try, because the show definitley is good, but it might just not be my genre. Ending: "Danzai no Hana~Guilty Sky" by Riyu Kosaka
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