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Short Summary: Terese is one of the most powerful Claymore. She so strong that she does not have to use her yoma-powers, so her face always stays beatiful, when she slaughters demons. In one city she kills a Yoma which brought a little girl as a "toy" with him. She seems to be okay, but she doesn't speak. After the Yoma's death teh girl starts to follow Teresa, although she gets hit and kicked several time. After she almost dies to follow Teresa the Claymore more or less accepts her as a companion and starts to think a lot about this silent girl. In the end she gives her the name Clare and finds out that exactly is her correct name. My opinion: I'm not sure so far, wether the name similarity is by accident or not but I guess this is the story how Clare became a Claymore. I was so hooked up this episode felt like it lasted only ten minutes or so. I have to watch another...and another...and...
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