Last week on Space Dandy, Dandy went to great lengths to unknowingly return an intelligent alien in the form of a book. Summary of Space Dandy Episode 12 After a bout of unsuccessful finds, the [...]
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「誰も知らないカメレオン星人じゃんよ」 (Dare mo Shiranai Kamereon-seijin jan yo)
"Nobody Knows the Chameleon Alien, Baby"
The comedy is back in a big way this week, but...
The post Space Dandy – 12 appeared [...]
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The comedy is back in a big way this week, but...I'm having a hard time looking at Space Dandy as the same straightforward free-association comedy I once thought it was. There's no question that [...]
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Dandy and company bringing in low-rent aliens to Scarlett for payment is nothing new, but now these new alien specimens are so pathetic that they payout is less than the administrative costs of [...]
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Well, presumably it had to happen sometime: a genuine clunker from Space Dandy. It was still fairly entertaining, but the “alien that looks like anything” plot was somewhat lacking, that this was also [...]
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